- Stylist
- Sty|lịst
〈[staı-] m. 16〉 jmd., der Stylings entwirft, umsetzt
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jmd., der das Styling entwirft (Berufsbez.)* * *
Universal-Lexikon. 2012.
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Universal-Lexikon. 2012.
Stylist — Styl ist, n. One who is a master or a model of style, especially in writing or speaking; a critic of style. [1913 Webster] Distinguished as a stylist, for ease. Fitzed. Hall. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Stylist — Stylist, Schriftsteller hinsichtlich der Einkleidung seines Stoffs in ungebundener Rede; daher: Stylistik, Kunst gehörig dem Stoff angemessen zu schreiben. Stylistĭcum, 1) Vorlesung über den Styl; 2) Übung in demselben … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
stylist — 1795, originally in writing, from STYLE (Cf. style) + IST (Cf. ist) … Etymology dictionary
stylist — /ˈstailist, ingl. ˈstaɪlɪst/ [vc. dell ingl. d America, deriv. di style «disegno, modello»] s. m. e f. inv. disegnatore, stilista … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
stylist — ► NOUN 1) a person who designs fashionable clothes or cuts hair. 2) a writer noted for their literary style … English terms dictionary
stylist — [stī′list] n. 1. a writer, etc. whose work has style and distinction or is characterized by a particular style 2. a person who designs, creates, or advises on, current styles, as in dress 3. a person who styles hair … English World dictionary
stylist — [[t]sta͟ɪlɪst[/t]] stylists 1) N COUNT A stylist is a person whose job is to cut and arrange people s hair. Choose a stylist recommended by someone whose hair you like. Syn: hairdresser 2) N COUNT A stylist is someone whose job is to create the… … English dictionary
stylist — UK [ˈstaɪlɪst] / US noun [countable] Word forms stylist : singular stylist plural stylists 1) someone whose job is to cut and arrange someone s hair in an attractive way 2) a person whose job is to help someone, especially someone who often… … English dictionary
Stylist — Style: Das Fremdwort für »Stil« wurde in der 2. Hälfte des 20. Jh.s aus gleichbed. engl. style übernommen. Zur weiteren Herkunft vgl. ↑ Stil. – Etwa zur gleichen Zeit finden sich im Deutschen stylen (»entwerfen, gestalten«, aus gleichbed. engl.… … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
stylist — noun Stylist is used after these nouns: ↑celebrity, ↑fashion, ↑hair … Collocations dictionary